Friday 14 August 2015


Some people live close to their family and others live a long distance away. Despite distance some families are close and others are less so.
I am very lucky this year as I have had some lovely meet ups with members of my family and have more planned!
At the moment my son is staying with me. Yesterday we went on a lovely walk with Ollie. I originally bought Ollie six years ago as my son kept begging for a dog. I kept saying No again and again but one day I suddenly and unexpectedly relented and we went and collected Ollie that very day.
It was an impulsive decision but he has brought a lot of joy and hilarity to our lives!
Ollie will always have a soft spot for Jack. He may not see him for months on end but to him he is still a main member of his pack. Dogs are such loyal creatures. Yesterday we watched a film and Ollie spent time sitting on his lap and licking him in the face. That's the way he rolls!

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