Sunday 30 August 2015

an inspiring walk!

I got up early and went for a walk with Ollie. I love this place. Despite being in the middle of nowhere it is full of life. There are campers, wind surfers, kart lovers, weird birds, miniature horses, odd plants, beautiful open water, huge skies....
As I walked along I started thinking about books I have read recently and how reading one has altered my perspective on the other.
After reading The Presence Process by Michael Brown I have gone back to reading A Course In Miracles.
Before The Presence Process I was unable to grasp much of what was being said in A Course In Miracles but now it is starting to make sense.
This got me thinking that a lot of other people may start off reading a book, get stuck and abandon it, particularly if nobody around them has read the book but if they had a group of avid readers to turn to they may decide to press on.
I love reading personal development books and some have more impact on me than others. Discussing these books with people who are interested could be very rewarding.
I have posted on Facebook asking my friends if anyone would be interested in joining such a group.
If people are interested in such a thing I would be very happy to create the group.
What do you think of the idea?

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