Saturday, 12 September 2015

technical advances in my caravan!

I have had a lovely morning. I drove over to Canterbury and did my shopping. I bought my groceries and an Acer Aspire with compatible printer.
I am very happy with my faithful old laptop that has served me well for years. This upgrade is mainly so I can save files in the formats that people require including my publisher. They have been very patient with me but every time I send them my manuscript they have to convert it into a format that they use and then send it back to me to check if there has been any formatting errors. There is usually one or two problems with spacing when files convert in this way.
Now my little Acer will cope with all the tech stuff.
I am very happy.
Everything is set up so now I can start to work on my talk that will be used to promote my book which should be out pretty soon!
I am so excited that I drove all the way back from Canterbury singing along to my Vaccines album in the car. I am pretty sure my friends and family are relieved that they were not passengers!
Enjoy the weekend everyone...:)

I love this picture of me as it is of me with a very sweet baby rabbit. Yes I know it has nothing to do with my post but that is fine with me!

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