Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Our words and our deeds.

I was walking the dog listening to the birds and the sheep and I realised that the dogs, birds and sheep have a skill that they lack. they are very good at living in the moment. I am not. It is something I am getting better at but this is a skill that they have mastered.

I realised that to be a good teacher you need to be good at learning. We can learn from everyone and everything around us if we are fully present in the moment.
I also realised that:
To be a good writer you need to be good at reading.
I acknowledge the power of our words. We are each unique and have our own special talents to share with the world and so have the people around us.

What we say to another person has an enormous impact even if they don't immediately show it.
Our actions speak louder than our words so what we do for others has an even bigger impact.

If today we can positively influence 3 people by smiling at them, helping them in some way or just really listening to them they are more able to do the same for others and we create a ripple effect that could potentially change the world almost overnight.

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